With a projected goal of $100 million and an expected completion date of December 31, 2018, Faith in the Future is a comprehensive fundraising campaign that will raise philanthropic dollars for support of several vital areas that have a direct impact on our students. fapcams
Strengthening our Catholic Jesuit Values

Tom Benson Jesuit Center
Loyola is, above all else, a Catholic and Jesuit university. The construction of the Tom Benson Jesuit Center will reinvigorate all aspects of mission, ministry, and service at the university.
Extending Opportunities to Talented Students

Loyola University New Orleans is dedicated to delivering an inspiring, engaging student experience. Nowhere is this more evident than in our determination to attract a diverse and talented student body. Loyola seeks to secure $20 million in philanthropic support.
Enhancing the Campus Environment

Facilities and Community, Monroe, Athletics
Through a variety of campaign initiatives, we are creating facilities that use design to encourage collaboration among students and faculty across all disciplines. Projects like a
transformed Monroe Hall, the new Multimedia Center, and renovations of the athletics complex will offer our students some of the best educational facilities in the region.
Funding the University's Mission

The Loyola Fund
The Loyola Fund is a small but vital part of the university’s operating budget, which forms the financial foundation for each and every program and project we undertake.
Fostering Academic Excellence

Research and Resources
Academic excellence in the Jesuit tradition has always meant engagement with the world and learning through experience. The Faith in the Future campaign will allow us to build
academic programs that immerse our students in real-world practice so that they can develop an understanding of the complex issues they will face in their lives and careers.